Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Power Of Three

"The Natural Antihistamine"
    (Lemon, Lavender, & Peppermint essential oils)  

"April showers bring May flowers." 
Flowers are beautiful. 
Allergies are not. 

- Allergy shot: 2 drops of each lemon, lavender, peppermint essential oil + water
- Add 2 drops of each oil in veggie capsule
- Take 2 to 3 times a day 
- 1 drop each to diffuse with filter water at home
- Add 10 drops each oils in a rollerball + carrier oil
  (fractionated coconut oil, olive oil, or grapeseed oil)  
- Apply on bottom of feet morning and night
- Apply on chest throughout the day

Detox and Relaxation Bath:

* 2 drops of each oils + 1 cup bath salt + 1 cup baking soda

(purchase & info: meuyts@gmail.com)

I am not a physician. These are natural essential oils that work for me. =)  


One drop on palms, rub it, cup it, and breathe in.
I love how it clears my sinus. The best part is, 
it's great for migraines. I also add couple drops to 
my fruitty water, for a fresher taste. 


I have to say, my most favorite thing about 
Lavender is that it helps fight insomnia. 
Everyone uses Lavender nightly in this household. 
My husband is finally getting sleeps in.
With such excruciating
pain from his herniated disc on his neck,
it wakes him up multiple times a night.

My second most favorite has to be using Lavender 
as a freshener. I use it in laundry, 
spray on carpets throughout the house,
spray in cars, and couches. I even add couple drops to
the dishwasher before running it. 

* in a 16oz spray glass bottle
fill up 3 quarters with water
add 3-5 drops of Lavender essential oil 
(add more for stronger sense) 

* add 5-7 drops of Lavender oil 
to a small jar fill with baking soda. 
Make sure to punch holes in lid.
Leave in bathroom and enjoy
a clam and relaxing shower. 



I love lemons. I love it so much that I even started to grow it from the seed.
Make sure you set the seed out to dry first before planting in the soil.
 Check it out, pretty small, but slowing getting there.
Every leaves make me so proud! One happy lemon lover!

I love lemon so much, I do not throw away the peels.
I keep it in a jar filled with vinegar for later use.
Lemon, vinegar and hot water are my favorite cleaning combos. 
Keeps the house clean and smelling fresh.

* 16 oz spray bottle
4-6 drops of lemon essential oil 
(or one part lemon vinegar)
two parts hot water

Natural healthy living with Lemon essential oil.